
This site gives you all information about OTT Platforms created by a team of 9 members.

“Digital streaming being a booming space, it gives creators, an opportunity to experiment and indulge which otherwise gets restricted in the TV or maybe film industry.”

– Deepak Segal

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    Despite these challenges, OTT technology has immense potential. Video streaming services are on the rise globally, with North America representing the most mature markets at a 51% adoption rate. Europe and Asia-Pacific are seeing impressive growth as brands like Netflix expand internationally. Beyond global adoption rates, major opportunities exist in non-entertainment markets. One recent survey determined that 50% of OTTContinue reading “WHAT ARE THE BIGGEST OTT OPPORTUNITIES ?”
    Mobile devices: Smartphones and tablets can download OTT apps from a supported digital storefront. Personal computers: Most computers support OTT content viewing through desktop-based apps or web browsers. Smart TVs: The latest TV models often include pre-installed OTT apps, or provide users with an option to download them. Digital media players: Third-party devices like the Apple TV support a rangeContinue reading “HOW IS OTT CONTENT DELIVERED ?”
  • What is OTT :
    What is an OTT Platform ? OTT stands for “Over The Top” and refers to any streaming service that delivers content over the internet. Over the Top (OTT) Platforms refer to any type of video or streaming media that provides a viewer access to movies or TV shows by sending the media directly through the internet. Broadly speaking , OTTContinue reading “What is OTT :”

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